Spring Into Verse-Day 14 -Celebrating the Mundane

The Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda exalted the basic things of our daily existence. He celebrated the mundane in ways that were quite extraordinary. Through his poetry he discovered beauty in everyday  moments and objects, making them appear remarkable and worthy of sharing. Check out Pablo Neruda's Ode To My Socks.

I also recommend Valerie Worth's book, 'All the Small Poems And 14 More.'  Worth celebrates a range of everyday earthly wonders. Each poem a precise tribute to ordinary things. These poets have taught me to recognize the innate value of everyday objects and events.

When we sit quietly for a while, we begin to notice the beauty surrounding us. We develop a renewed appreciation for the seemingly invisible events that make up our lives. Young writers and poets need exposure to such potentially rewarding activities. We must show them how we engage in the celebration of the everyday. Smell the roses...


We share the kitchen
Washing the dishes
There are too few to matter
When its tea for two
We work instinctively
Back and forth
At our respective tasks
Washing, wiping
Putting away
Restoring order
Never colliding
Never bumping
We glide
Through our kitchen sink manoeuvres
Each plate, fork, cup returns to its assigned place
Conversation floats easily like background music
Drifting through
A moment
A memory
We measure the day

The chore dissolves in a word sea
We complete the task
Rinse and wring
Wipe and fold
The dishes are done
No Problem

Alan j Wright


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