Spring Into Verse- Day 13 - Using A Refrain In A Poem
Today's poem has a refrain that aims to be lighthearted and provide a sense of fun and enjoyment. New shoes often have that effect on the wearer. New shoes tend to improve your spirits.
The use of repetition in a poem is a literary device that young poets love to employ. It's just a line or lines repeated throughout a poem. I can recall once having Prep students parading around a classroom wearing preposterous shoes while reciting this little poem.
Groovy Shoes
Groovy shoes
Groovy shoes
I just can't
lose with groovy shoes
Pink shoes
Oh so groovy
I could be in
any movie
Ripple soles
Watch me walk
All my friends
stop and talk
Groovy shoes
Stripey green
When I walk by
it's such a scene
Every body
stops to stare
They all shout
I want a pair!
Groovy shoes
Groovy shoes
I just can't
lose with groovy shoes.
Groovy shoes
Groovy shoes
I just can't
lose with groovy shoes
Alan j Wright
That's wonderful!