May Days Poems-'The Stuff That Sticks' May 27


May 27

Many celebrations involve the act of gifting to our loved ones. Now imagine where we would be without tape to wrap our gifts!

Today is National Cellophane Tape Day in America and is celebrated annually on May 27 to commemorate this handy invention. The rest of the world remains grateful, but hasn’t stuck to celebrating the tape quite so formally.

The Stuff That Sticks

Some people choose to exult

cellophane tape

-that transparent, polypropylene-based,

pressure-sensitive tape

with a backing to which an adhesive substance is affixed

for the purpose of joining materials

in households

and industrial situations.


No doubt a much sought after aid

In the essential act of gift wrapping

-invalauable in effecting running repairs at a moment's notice.

Sticky and stoic.

The tale of the tape

remain something of a sticking point.

No masking that fact.

©Alan j Wright


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