Slice of Life Story Challenge DAY 31 -Celebrating The Wonder of Now

It is the wonder of now that inspires this final offering for the marvellous month of March… One of the real l ife lessons acquired from participation in this and previous Slice of Life Story Challenges has been an increased awareness of moments in time. The incredible wonder that resides in being present in that special moment. This morning I spent time at the park with Sass, age 9 and Sunni age 7. I watched them devote extended time to mastering moves on the swing. Their solitary aim was to go as high as possible. They were totally devoted to flying up to the heavens. It was as if nothing else existed beyond that simple goal. I watched intently. Their efforts inspired me to take photos. Captured images of a moment in time, serve as an aid to the writer’s recall. Earlier, I had watched them eat waffles, strawberries and ice-cream in the cafe. They ate heartily and scraped their plates until no trace of the culinary delights remained. Kids in the zone. My o...