Slice of Life Story Day 22 -The Very Next Notebook

On the shelf in my study sit a collection of notebooks of varying sizes. They are pristine. Not a single word has been written in them. They are ready to go. They await my decision. Which notebook will I use next? I like the fact that I have a choice.

My current notebook has an unmistakable cover. It is made from recycled rice bags. It required no additional adornment to show everyone it was mine. I have not seen another notebook like it in my travels. I like that. Mind you it cost me $24 for the privilege of owning this unique volume, but I figured it was worth it. I am enjoying our time together.

Sample Page from my current notebook
Will the next one be the leather bound volume with unlined recycled paper pages? Will it be the sturdy A4 sized hard covered notebook I bought from an office supplies franchise (‘Officeworks’) that cost me $5? Will it be smaller like my current notebook?  I currently have at least nine to choose from. Some I purchased, others given to me as gifts. What a pleasant dilemma I face…

The cover of my current notebook
Notebook entry on 'Sand' and its ability to migrate


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great slice and the pictures of your notebook are such a treat! It is funny because I have also been contemplating my next writer's notebook. I've been looking around for a while for the perfect one that inspires me, but no luck yet. One thing I know for sure is that I want my next notebook to have unlined paper. For sketches, maybe?

    Mandy Chock @ The Chockboard

  3. I love buying them but don't enjoy writing in them. Glad yours don't just sit on the shelf but are put to purpose once chosen.
    Photos were a wonderful treat...perhaps I need to do what you do and add more than just my words:)

  4. I enjoyed your pictures - it is a bit like having a peek through the fence into someones garden. Your slice reminded me of the Kate in Jean Little's Here I am World. She describes an elegant journal her father gave and how she was saving it for the day her life was elegant enough to write about.

  5. I'm happy to read about someone else who has a ready supply of notebooks!

  6. I, too, have a large supply. I never know if I'm going to use them or I am going to give one to someone. It seems the journals tell me--"Pick me for this person. It's perfect." I'm into a new since January. I need to add a lot more pictures to make it feel more comfortable. Have fun starting a new one.


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