Slice of Life Story Challenge March 31 - The End Is Often Overrated

The End Is Often Overrated Teachers are so very familiar with the classroom cry, ‘I’ve finished.’ It provides the perfect opportunity to share the truism that every stop is a place to start. I’m not about to call out those familiar words. I understand that there are other compelling matters to which I must attend. I am therefore, not finished. I am not going to write the words ‘The End’ either. Teachers will also be familiar with this practice. Inexperienced student writers often feel compelled to inform their readers in big, bold letters that the end has been reached. I am sure my readers are smart enough to realize that when the words stop that they have reached the end of the piece. Readers understand when the end is reached. It is invariably a happy-sad occasion. It is however with some sense of relief and a large degree of personal satisfaction that I have reached day 31 of this, my eighth challenge. Professional and personal lives continue to requi...