Slice of Life Story Challenge March 27 -Shoreline Scene

Shoreline Scene

My morning walk frequently reveals small moments worthy of note. Sometimes it is a seemingly insignificant occurrence that others miss. The practiced eye and the observer locks away a special moment. Mental notes, silently recorded for possible later use. The writer within feels compelled to react, to capture a scene in words. And so it was this morning as I was standing on the headland above the beach. Below me, a father and son walked in the damp sand along the shoreline. 

 The coolness of the morning air and the grey low hanging sky meant the beach was largely deserted. The father leads the way and the child instinctively followed. And it struck me, there, looking down, that what I was witnessing was a metaphor for life, for the classroom:

Follow Me

A father walks in the damp sand
Close to the shoreline
His young son follows him closely
The boy stretches to place his feet
Within his father’s huge footprints
The boy strives to match the man he so admires
Follow my lead
Walk this way
The father shows the way forward

And the boy willingly rises to the challenge


  1. Alan, I very much enjoy reading your writing every day, and today's piece is no exception. I look forward to reading about what your morning walk uncovered, and am not-so-secretly envious of the time you spend in nature. I love the way you made this little stroll with father and toddler a metaphor for life, for the classroom, and for so much more. Thank you. maribethbatcho

    1. I read recently that in order to write you must make a conscious effort to spend time beyond your chosen writing space. It helped to reinforce the practice that has always guided my writing.As writers we must endeavour to hone our observational abilities. We must learn to notice. I am always encouraging student writers to read the world around them. Thank you for sharing your thoughts

  2. The photograph is wonderful and so is the slice, raising the momentary to the more profound. As always, it was a pleasure to read your writing. Your blog is one of many happy discoveries from this challenge!

    1. Thank you Molly for your continuing feedback. I greatly appreciate your constructive and encouraging comments.

  3. This is so beautiful in so many ways. It speaks of trust -which many people seem to have written about today. The photo is beautiful and your reflection captured so many thoughtful connections. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Clare. Your kind remarks inspire me to keep doing my best to read the world around me. You mention trust. I think you are absolutely correct. Establishing trust in any relationship is vital. You could see it here on the beach- that vital ingredient.

  4. Wow, amazingly true. Your words and thoughts about a simple picture speak volumes!

    1. Thank you Lynn. Sometimes you are fortunate to witness something quite special.

  5. Writing from the little moments. Perfect and a perfect photo to match it. So glad you were out watching for this moment.

    1. It was a perfect example of a small, yet significant moment. A moment well worth capturing in words.

  6. What a beautiful moment you captured Alan! The photo and words of your slice are a perfect small moment that is easily missed. I love the message you shared.


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