Slice of Life Story Challenge March 30 -Who Am I Right Now?

Who Am I Right Now?

This morning I was browsing The Writer’s Idea Book by Jack Heffron, a book designed to assist writers develop ideas across a range of genres.  One suggestion was to start with the words I am and brainstorm from there.

In his book, Swinging From The Clothesline, author Andy Griffiths reminds readers, we often explain to people who we are by telling them about things we have done in the past. But who are you at this very moment. Who are you right now? We are not separate from the world around us. If we look closer we can see part of ourselves in everything else.

Two books, two authors urging me to examine who I am right now and what connection I make to the wider world. I'm up for this challenge I thought. As I sat in my writing space in a totally quiet house, I asked the question...
 So, who am I right now?

I Am Such Things and More

I am the leaf, clinging tenaciously to the tree as winter approaches
The claw of the eagle holding fast to its prey
I am the wind rustling the gum trees
I am the cool breeze at the end of a summer’s day
The cackle of the kookaburra
Laughter floating on the air
A smile spreading slowly across your face
I am in the thunderous crush of breaking waves
I am lightning illuminating the night sky
The quivering tail of a mad dog
The thud of an axe slicing through a defiant log
I am the patch of sun in the corner of the yard where butterflies dry their wings and lizards laze on rocks
I am the heart of the matter
I am the road winding into the distance
The wilderness track few have traveled
I am the song of the magpie rejoicing in each new morning
The crunchy celery stem and the bubbles in a glass of mineral water
I am a delicate orchid, a hardy oak
I am a plastic container filled with treats
I am the scorpion when aroused
I am a puddle of unknown depth
The kite on the breeze
I am the wondrous words that flow from a new pen
I am the words in a book you can’t put down
I am a comfortable sock
I am as firm as new boots
I am the sun on your back
Look for me in such things


  1. Oh, I love every syllable of this poem! The accompanying pictures are breathtaking. I may borrow this format for my final slice tomorrow. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Thanks Michelle, for your kind remarks. Feel free to explore this idea.

  2. I thought about the me I am right now...
    I am birds chirping, greeting the morning sun...I am bubbles floating up inside my coffee cup...I am silent yet talking through my keys...I am resting-one with the couch yet my mind is alive with activity, just as the refrigerator hums constantly. I am the cozy blanket laying in wait to cuddle and warm another in need...
    Just a few for right now...I love this format-it really makes me think about my surroundings.
    I enjoyed reading and seeing who you are now! Very cool slice!

    1. Thanks Amy. You have readily connected to your world in your response. it can throw up surprises.

  3. Love this slice. It gets me thinking... Thanks!

    1. Thank you Donna. Writers are thinkers, so enjoy the thinking process and let's see what emerges for you...

  4. Such a pleasure read this. Inspirational. Love your way with words.

  5. Oh, digging deep into who I am right now . . . I can see what heavy, emotional work I have in front of me. Beautiful format, beautiful imagery. Bravo.

    1. Thank you Ashley. Embrace the challenge! It might surprise you.


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