Slice of Life Story Challenge March 1 - First, Let's Deal With Some Firsts

Given that is the first post of a new Slice of Life Story Challenge, it seemed wholly appropriate that my thoughts should go to ‘firsts.’ We experience so many firsts early in our lives, but as we get older the rate tends to slow a little. However, this doesn’t preclude one from continuing to push boundaries and seeking out new ‘firsts.’

Yesterday, I found myself making a list of some firsts that have occurred across time. It was easy to think of ‘firsts’ and so my list contained such things as:

first family holiday destination

first car

first kiss

first school

first teaching appointment

first bike

first overseas destination

first left home

However, the firsts that really had me reeling back the years and reminiscing were the purchase of my first musical album, Bob Dylan’s double album, ‘Blonde On Blonde’  a vinyl masterpieceI scrounged enough money from my meagre student allowance to buy this first album. What made it even better, lay in the fact that it was a double album, something of a rarity. It must have been extremely significant in the scheme of things as I still have it to this very day. Vintage vinyl.

I vividly recall how my father likened Dylan’s voice to cat’s wailing, Consequently, he didn’t hear the lyric line which for me was both mesmerising and thought provoking. I was asked to only play this record with my bedroom door closed and the sound turned down. The early Dylan and his songs of poetic protest coincided with my early hesitant steps into adult life and independence. The whole event was pure synchronicity.  To say he was influential on me personally is to underline the power of his messages at that time. 

My first live concert which was ‘The Who’ in Melbourne. And live, it certainly was.

The Who came to prominence with what was called the British musical invasion and I immediately fell under the spell of songs like ‘Substitute’ and ‘My Generation’ so when they came to Melbourne, it was time for another first experience. I still recall being mightily impressed with the sound and energy of the band. They were loud and wild and I was entranced by their stage presence.They accurately captured their recorded sound in their live performances. They gave it all for the audience. It made for a life-long memory.

So, firsts are both important and significant in our lives. They attach themselves to memories, milestones and occasionally they represent a turning point or a fork in the road. They can also serve as a launching pad or a breakthrough. This is the first post in a month of posts and represents yet another beginning. I look forward to what this month of sustained writing, reading and sharing reveals.


  1. Alan,
    Your post brought me back to many firsts in my life---and my first album, which today makes me laugh: LL Cool J. Your words "poetic protest" stand out to me in this piece. I think of a lot of poetic protest happens often in our hearts and minds. When we write, we let that protest manifest into something beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration and I look forward to your SOL posts.

  2. Alan,
    Your post brought me back to many firsts in my life---and my first album, which today makes me laugh: LL Cool J. Your words "poetic protest" stand out to me in this piece. I think of a lot of poetic protest happens often in our hearts and minds. When we write, we let that protest manifest into something beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration and I look forward to your SOL posts.

  3. My first rock concert was seeing the group Chicago in my home town. Last year I saw The Who - still rockin' after all these years! Love thinking through the idea of firsts - I may have to borrow this idea for a post!

  4. And you were one of my first blog visits six years ago when I started blogging. It feels right that you are my first visit as we start a new challenge. Always love your stories, Alan. Here's to 31 days!

  5. Some firsts reside deep in one's soul, never to leave. Interesting that is was related to music that resonated deeply with you. Music has such power!

  6. My first album was Fleetwood Mac's Rumours, which my sister gave to me for my grade 8 graduation. My first live concert was Rush in Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto, in 1985. I heard them interviewed on Saturday and have been thinking about them ever since. Nice how your post connects to what I've been thinking about.

  7. All through the years we celebrated "firsts" in our family, from first steps of course to first car, etc. Your post brings me to the "first" time I heard about the Beatles. We all laughed at the insect name, wondering what in the world was going on. And then I saw them in concert, my first. I guess one could say the rest is history! Thanks for starting us all off to our own favorite "firsts" Alan.

  8. This post (as all of your writing does) makes me think and relate. My first concert was Led Zeppelin in Madison Square Garden. I have trouble recalling many things ... I worry that I am losing my mind but I am certain that many firsts will stay with me for the time being.So glad to be back and thank you for the memories.


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