Slice of Life Story Challenge March 3 - Summer Thyme in Summertime

When we moved to our current home, sixteen months ago, we planted a strip of flowering thyme down the centre of our driveway entrance. We were seeking a strip of colour to break up the long expanse of concrete (our driveway entrance is 30 metres long) and we also wanted to create a softer look to this area of our home. 

We purchased 50 punnets of flowering thyme from a local nursery and began the planting process. The thyme took some 'time' to establish itself. Eventually it began to spread and bloom.

The summer just concluded, has seen the thyme we planted flourish. The hot summer days have been clearly appreciated by this aromatic and colourful herb. It also provides an additional source of herbs for cooking. 

Throughout the summer when the sun is beating down, a profusion of bees and butterflies gather along the driveway, dining out on the blooming thyme. Occasionally, we have seen squadrons of dragonflies zoom about- a most impressive formation. The thyme has arrived! 

 I have enjoyed the scene of summer thyme in summertime. Most certainly a thymely event. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the play on words. And I love the beauty you created (in both your words and with the thyme.

  3. Love the play on words. And I love the beauty you created (in both your words and with the thyme.

  4. Love the play on words. And I love the beauty you created (in both your words and with the thyme.

  5. Love the play on words. And I love the beauty you created (in both your words and with the thyme.

  6. Love the play on words. And I love the beauty you created (in both your words and with the thyme.

  7. Love the play on words. And I love the beauty you created (in both your words and with the thyme.

  8. Love the play on words. And I love the beauty you created (in both your words and with the thyme.

  9. Love the play on words. And I love the beauty you created (in both your words and with the thyme.

  10. Love the play on words. And I love the beauty you created (in both your words and with the thyme.

  11. Gorgeous driveway! I love your play on words. I can just picture the bees and butterflies dining out!

  12. How smart you were to plant thyme! You introduced me to a new word, punnets. From the context I thought I knew, but looked it up just in case. I shall have to remember it when my husband sends me getting bedding plants. I shall ask how many punnets he wants. Can't wait to see his look. Your word play was exceptional today. You must have had fun crafting this one.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I loved both the image of bees "dining on the blooming thyme," and, of course, the oh-so-clever pun. I wish it was summertime here in New England.. I'm missing those bees and butterflies right about now!

  15. Good to know that thyme thrives, even in the hottest of summers. Your driveway center strip is beautiful - and practical too. Here, in the midst of winter, this was a summerthyme treat. You are able to take an explanation and make it into such an enjoyable piece of writing!


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