Slice of Life Story Challenge March 12 -SundayThoughts and Observations

Thoughts and Observations On A Sunday

A boy, possibly 12-13 enters the Filling Station Café  and sits awkwardly with his parents. He is wearing calf high black socks with a pair of mauve coloured plastic Crocs. Could this be a case of child abuse through the use of public shaming, or is it merely a fashion crime? 

If only 1 % of the population are actually gluten intolerant. It makes it a marketing miracle to sell so many gluten free food products to the masses.

Actually, I find myself quite astounded to discover you can purchase spinach in a family pack in my local supermarket.

It seems an increasing number of television advertisements are featuring the phenomenon of ‘talking food.’ Talking broccoli, French fries, and carrots have joined the ranks of talking M and M’s. I find it most difficult to digest.

'Psyllium Husks' –sounds like a character from a fantasy novel, instead of an offering in the health food section of my supermarket.

I am pleased that research findings have exonerated coriander (aka, cilantro).  Scientists have discovered that some people are born with a genetic predisposition to find the taste of often maligned plant unpleasant.  Me, I quite like it.


  1. I like how I can infer where you've been by reading your thoughts.
    And I'm in agreement with you on the talking food. Makes me not want to eat it if I can talk to it.

    1. I'm glad Lorie. I was conscious as I wrote that my readers would infer my locations. They say we write best when we allow our readers to think. Talking food is certainly off putting. I agree with you.

  2. That first entry sounds like the beginning of a short story.

    1. Hhmmm? who knows Tara. Our notebooks contain many beginnings. The challenge is which one to pick up and expand.


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