Slice Of Life Story Challenge March 31 - The End Signals A New Beginning

The End Signals A New Beginning

Our lives are filled with endings and each one of them enables a new beginning, even the very last one which we all have to face. I have always held true to the saying I first heard uttered by Jimmy Buffett in his song La Vie Dansante (The Dancing Life)- Every stop is a place to start. 

The end of this month long writing challenge represents a new beginning. Many writers begin this Slice of Life Story Challenge with doubts and reservations and finish with renewed self belief and enthusiasm for writing. This is the legacy derived from involvement. The growth of self belief. 

This is my 9th year of participation. That means I have been challenged to create 279 life slice stories I might not have realized without the unspoken, inner pressure to respond that accompanies this month of sustained writing. 

The strong urge to persist once ignited burns strongly within me each year. The inner drive to stay the distance is a powerful thing, it must be said. Overcoming roadblocks in the form of technological demons and the curve-balls of life sometimes conspire, but stickability wins out!

Writers need to have discipline in order to develop the habit of writing. Discipline allows the writer to experience creative desires and feel the joy of discovery that inhabits the writing territory.

There also exists in this shared space a strong sense of community. I am always grateful for the company, support and energy of my fellow writers.

Writing is so often solitary. We must take ourselves away in order to return with composed thoughts and ideas. When that moment occurs, we need readers. They are here in abundance. A community of readers and writers.Thank you to all who have visited during the month of March.

I am also grateful to the Two Writing Teachers team who work so diligently to organize and present the Slice of Life Story Challenge each year. They make this a writing reality. 

For me, writing is a journey. As we travel, we begin and end adventures that provide a rich source of ideas. We explore, observe and discover, and as we go, we gather around us, an increasing body of work. 

So, while this is one of many ends we writers experience, it provides an opportunity to reflect on what we have learnt about writing, and what we have learnt about ourselves, as writers. There is much treasure to be found in reflecting upon this month of sustained writing.

Each year I copy and paste my month of life slices into my current notebook. More reading. More prompting of thought. My notebook is my collection zone. As a writer I collect anything that feeds my creative process. This is evidence of my ongoing writing life and it gives me much joy to relive the word journey.

I am always grateful for this month of life slice writing, and as it draws to its inevitable conclusion, I begin to ponder my next writing project. And as I do, the words rise again to greet me- every stop is a place to start, and with that, I  am drawn forward. 

To everyone I say, thanks for your great company and good luck with your projects...

'Step through your resistances right now and write something great. Right now. This is a new moment.
Natalie Goldberg


  1. Thanks for your wonderful words! I enjoyed being on this journey with you.

    1. Thank you Rose. It has been a pleasure to share this writing journey with you.

  2. I'd never considered collecting my slices int my notebook. You are brilliant! This is a perfect way to reflect on the month.

    1. Thank you for your kind remarks Adrienne. It is always a pleasure when something you share is seen as a possible action for others.

  3. "Writing is so often solitary. We must take ourselves away in order to return with composed thoughts and ideas. When that moment occurs, we need readers. They are here in abundance."

    Absolutely! That is exactly what this challenge bring about! What a powerful post. Your reflection of your writing life during SOL month is so astute. I'm amazed you've been at this for 9 years and still have such gusto for the revving up for the month. It's a testament to those of us that are just a few years in. Kudos!

    1. Thank you Brittany. Your kind words are sustaining. May you continue to prosper as a writer.

  4. I haven't come by every day, but enjoy my visit each time I do, Alan. The quote is one to keep, so thank you for it. I wish you future celebrations of words and community that fill and please.

    1. Linda, your words are always welcomed and valued. You make a most valuable contribution to the reading and writing lives of those around you. Thanks for your visitations.

  5. I love visiting your space, you always have some nugget of thought that I can spend some time with in my thinking. It's been a great month. Thanks for visiting and offering me words of encouragement.

    1. Elsie, you make a great contribution to the readers and writers of this community. your visits here are always welcomed. Thank you yet again for your kind remarks. We are becoming veterans of the Slice.

  6. Alan what a great ending/beginning post! Thanks - i also love that you print and paste your posts into your writing notebook. I like the idea of easily being able to return to re read and re think about the months writing. See you on Tuesdays!

    1. Thank you Joanne. Your kind remarks are appreciated. I am pleased you like the reflective practice ingrained in posting the March slices into my notebook. It gives them a visibility they would be otherwise denied. Hope you find this works for you as well. Best wishes.

  7. A thoughtful final reflection. I like the idea of seeing a new beginning and that the exercise of writing each day prepares us to do the next thing.

    1. The habit of writing grows the expectation that each day words will flow...
      Thank you Deborah for your kind comments. What happens next for each of us? Exciting prospects.

  8. Such a lovely connection. Belief in oneself is certainly a reality at the end of the challenge and hopefully a belief that is carried even further. The idea that every stopping point in life is also the start of something is not only a truth but a perspective shift that I absolutely love. Congrats on so many slices. It is a wonderful accomplishment to have committed so much time and effort to writing over all these years.

    1. Thank you Betsy for your kind remarks and encouragement. Much appreciated.

  9. I am inspired this evening as I read your words. You’ve aptly expressed my feeling about TWT SOLSC: “There also exists in this shared space a strong sense of community. I am always grateful for the company, support and energy of my fellow writers.” And to you, Alan, I say thank you for stopping by my spot. I too find that when I read again, “it gives me much joy to relive the word journey.” Thank you for sharing that “every stop is a place to start.” I hope that I see you on Tuesdays at TWT.

  10. Thank you Alice. Your kind remarks and observations are always valued. Look forward to crossing paths in the near future as we continue our writing journeys. Thanks for your generosity of spirit. Cheers.

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