Slice of Life Story Challenge March 31 -A Complete Month of Writing Slices

Today’s post represents the successful completion of my fifth March SLICE of Life Story Challenge. Each year it is like returning to visit with old friends. A reunion of like minds creates a sense of shared celebration. As always, I make discoveries, for part of this journey involves exploring self. I am able to learn of common incidents by reading the words of fellow writers. These experiences allow me to contemplate and connect, despite the geographical differences. An enhanced appreciation is gained from the close examination of special moments in our lives. I make discoveries, -words, phrases, ideas; the optimism that resides in the attitudes of my fellow writers. Involvement in this writing project enables me to give and receive feedback with respect to the words generated by fellow participants. As writers and life long learners this psychological stroking is vital. It feeds our willingness to persist. Taking part in this project requires a large amount of self disciplin...