Slice of Life Story Challenge March 31 -A Complete Month of Writing Slices

Today’s post represents the successful completion of my fifth March SLICE of Life Story Challenge. Each year it is like returning to visit with old friends. A reunion of like minds creates a sense of shared celebration.

As always, I make discoveries, for part of this journey involves exploring self. I am able to learn of common incidents by reading the words of fellow writers. These experiences allow me to contemplate and connect, despite the geographical differences. An enhanced appreciation is gained from the close examination of special moments in our lives.

I make discoveries, -words, phrases, ideas; the optimism that resides in the attitudes of my fellow writers. Involvement in this writing project enables me to give and receive feedback with respect to the words generated by fellow participants. As writers and life long learners this psychological stroking is vital. It feeds our willingness to persist. Taking part in this project requires a large amount of self discipline to write and post a slice of life entry each and every day. We embrace the challenge presented. It drives us on…

This year meeting the expectations of the Slice conspired to challenge me greatly at times.  The time differential is always there. However, frustration with unco-operative technology -freezing cursors, security barriers, weird, misaligned postings, blogger glitches and the like all conspired to block my way. On occasions, it took several hours work to successfully post a particular slice. Such persistent irritations served to remind me how strongly the need to complete the challenge burned within me.  
Conversely, a real positive that emerges from my participation each year is the sense of community one obtains when feedback is given and received. It is the responses that make it so worthwhile. To hear of common experiences, to hear of wonder and curiosity, to hear of empathy, excitement and joy are the elements that sustain us all. I love the sense of honesty, emotion and implied trust.  I have immense admiration for those who create time to comment so regularly. They display great stickability, dodging the barriers the internet throws up on regular intervals. I salute you all!

Like a moth to a flame, I am drawn to the task of composing my daily slice of life. The discipline required is rewarded each day. Congratulations and sincere thanks again go to Ruth and Stacy, for initiating this challenging, yet compelling quest. I am indebted to their vision.

As participants, we are far flung, yet united in purpose. We continue to support each others efforts as writers. This unity of purpose adds to the light shining around our words.  To those who have added their voices to the challenge this year –congratulations on your achievements.  Another March of rich memories is now captured in words –Wonderful to look back over. Words still warm to the touch…



  1. Alan
    It is always, always a pleasure to read your writing, and your thoughts that "I am drawn to the task of composing my daily slice of life" are my own, too. Thanks for being part of the world of words that float my way from all parts of the world on any given day. I appreciate it.

    1. Kevin, I always value your input, your contributions. As much as this is about sharing. It is equally about learning. Thank you for alerting me to the potential of Soundcloud. I shall continue my explorations as a result of the light you have shone.

  2. Alan, thank you for your words today and throughout this past month. I have gained much insight from your wisdom and words. ~Deborah

    1. Deborah, thank you for your kind remarks. It has been a pleasure to work with you in this worthwhile project. Best wishes going forward.

  3. I'm not sure if it's anything like the feeling a marathoner has at the end of the race, but I have this exhilaration, and a true sense of accomplishment. Thanks for being on this journey with me. Hope to see you again on Tuesdays.

    1. Thank you Margaret for your kind remarks.It is a feeling of exhilaration indeed.

  4. The comments are life-giving. That was something I hadn't expected when I began.

    1. Comments are life giving. They sustain us as writers. It is nourishment for the soul. It serves to remind us to nurture our youngest writers in the same way we have fostered our fellow writers in the Slice community. Best wishes Elle.

  5. I just finished my post about the month and have quoted you about living life twice. I'd really like to quote this entire post because you said all that I was trying to much more eloquently. I have ordered your book and am looking forward to reading it, as well as reading your Tuesday slices. Thank you for the inspiration that you gave through your writing all month long.

    1. Melanie, I have been trying to respond to your final post but my response just refuses to post, so I will post it here A deeply reflective piece Melanie. It does you much credit. It reveals the depth of your thinking around your writing life. Thank you for your feedback across the month. Your writing is clearly being informed by your experiences. It's been a pleasure to work with you in this special space. Best wishes going forward.
      Special thanks for ordering my book. I hope it meets your expectations.

  6. Your well thought through ideas and carefully chosen words are such a pleasure to read.
    You express some things I couldn't define -like a moth to a flame - that's how I have felt. Lets celebrate the month filled with words.

    1. Thank you Terje for your feedback. Indeed we should celebrate our collective gains from participating in such a worthwhile and affirming project.

  7. The challenge of it helps sustain me - though the comments rock, too! Thanks for being part of this wonderful community.

    1. Maria, I wholeheartedly agree with you regarding both the challenge and the comments. Thank you to you also for your spirited participation and support for this special community of writers.

  8. Alan, when I click on your link, I know I will be in awe of the way you tell a tale or have something to ponder as I move away from your post. Your words always ignite my thinking. Thanks for writing another year, even though technology threw you a few roadblocks. I love your determination.

    1. Elsie, your supportive comments are greatly appreciated. It is reciprocal relationship we share as writers, and as such we sustain each others efforts to develop our craft. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with you in these worthwhile projects. Stay well.

  9. Yes, it has been a great experience for me to take part in the Slice for the first time. I tried to make a point of reading your posts as they were insightful and always brought unique thoughts and ideas. I do hope to continue on Tuesdays and hope to be reading yours there too. Jackie

    1. Jackie, well done to you on your participation in this project. See you on Tuesdays hopefully. Many thanks for your kind remarks.

  10. Alan,
    Your posts are so inspiring! The words you choose are always so eloquently expressed! I am glad to have learned of your work through slicing in the community.
    Thank you for writing such thought provoking ideas and posts!

    1. Amy, your enthusiasm for your work shines through and your support for fellow writers is most commendable. I thank you for your generous comments. More power to you fellow slicer!

  11. I told my students that you are one of my favorite writers to watch on the challenge. "Words still warm to the touch" is just a small example of why. Thank you for joining this community yet again and sharing your thinking with us.

    1. Beth, your comments are much appreciated by this humble writer. Thank you for the role you play in this special community of writers. We gain so much from this collaboration.

  12. I enjoyed discovering your blog this month. You have some wonderful ideas and I look forward to continuing to follow your posts. I am so glad I participated in this challenge this year and definitely was fueled by the comments and sense of community.

    1. Andrea, thank you so much for your kind remarks. Congratulations on your participation this year. I trust it inspire your efforts going forward.


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