Slice of Life Story Challenge March 14 - The Joy of Discovering A New Book

At least once a week I get a book shop fix. I frequently visit Book and Paper in Williamstown close to where I stay when working in schools in Melbourne's Western suburbs. I usually grab a grab an after work coffee before wandering into the book shop further along Williamstown's Ferguson Street.

I have been visiting this great little shop for the last four years. There is a sense of trust and a level of comfort in this book browsing experience. All my reading needs in the one small shop. 

Today when I entered the shop, Sue, the owner greeted me with a knowing smile as she checked in new stock. She then purposefully moved out from behind the counter and walked to the back of the shop before quickly returning with a book and handing it to me.
'I think this book is one you'll love Alan.'

I like that awareness; that sense of knowing me as a reader. Sue is familiar with my work and my purchasing history. This familiarity is re-assuring.
It's a hard cover picture story book. I read the title - The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce. I note the book's landscape format and an award sticker in the bottom right corner of the cover. It indicates that this story inspired an Academy Award winning short film. I'm impressed already.
I eagerly turn to the first page and begin reading:

' Morris Lessmore loved words
He loved stories.
He loved books.
His life was a book of his own writing, one orderly page after another. He would open it every morning and write of his joys and sorrows, of all that he knew and everything that he hoped for.'

My connection to this book is sealed by the end of this first page. It is a page turner for me.  As I delve deeper into the magic of this story, my reading joy grows. This book is a keeper. I complete my reading of the book, tuck it under my arm and continue browsing the shelf for more treasure. 

Eventually I return to the front counter and make my purchases- three books in total. 
'I knew you'd like it, says Sue knowingly.
I smile. 


  1. I love the description in your next to last paragraph especially these words " reading joy grows." How lucky we are to have independent bookstores with booksellers who know us as readers. It's why I shop in the small bookshop on our island!

  2. Independent bookstores are a wonderful thing. I wish we had more of them near me. They're an important part of growing and maintaining a reading life.

  3. FYI The magical flying books was also an academy award winning short film a couple of years ago. I think you can get it on itunes. Beautifully done and keeps the magic of the book

  4. I'll have to find this!!! Thanks for sharing

  5. I don't have a bookstore (chain or independent) nearby, but this is how I feel on library day with my classes. My librarian knows me and my students and has just the right books ready for us. And now I have another title I want to read!

  6. Thank you for sharing this. I want it already.


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