Slice of Life Story Day 31 Lasting Impressions

As this is the last day of the Slice of Life Story Challenge for March 2011. it seems appropriate to focus on the word ‘last.’ I am conjuring up all those connections to ‘last.’ I am pleased that I was able to last the distance , to meet the challenge of writing and posting a writing slice every day, despite the all the other demands on my time. Because this is the last posting for the month I will miss the internal machinations of my sometimes scrambled mind as I ruminated on what to write each day. The rehearsal was continual. It was stimulating. Words and phrases tumbled around in my brain, like clothes in a dryer. I played with ideas until at last I settled on my script. Then I sat at the computer and the words spilled onto the screen. As I continue to ponder the meaning of last , I think of children being picked last for a team, The Monkees singing, Last Train to Clarksville . And then I think about lasting memories , last but not least, last one home’s a purple pig , the cal...