Slice of Life Story Day 27 Tail of a Dog

Our little black dog, Boo has no concept of weekends, or sleeping in on Sundays. She understands when its morning and the blanket of the night has been drawn back. She certainly understands the basic concept of dawn. Round about 7.30am each and every morning her patience ebbs away and she begins what basically amounts to harassment.

 Boo makes it patently obvious that she wants the people in her life to rouse themselves from slumber and take her for a walk. Walk is the word we dare not whisper. She raises from her bed and begins circling ours. We lie perfectly still in the hope that it will pass for sleeping. The dog is smarter than that.  She snorts and snuffles as she completes circuits of the bedroom. Each circuit requires her to travel beneath the bed not an easy thing to do, given its low clearance. Try feigning sleep when a small determined dog is buffeting your bed from beneath. So we succumb and throw on the necessary clothes to meet the uncertain morning air. Boo rounds us both up like we are sheep, pushing, nudging and rushing around us, barely able to contain her excitement.

They say a dog’s tail is directly connected to its heart. Boo is living proof of this. Her tail signals her absolute delight that a walk is imminent. It twitches like a metronome in overdrive. She scampers downstairs to the door and awaits the arrival of the sleepy humans as they grab hats, and money and phones and shoes in readiness for the bracing morning air of this particular Sunday morning.

And so the day begins in earnest; a brisk walk with a dog who has singlehandedly nudged us into regular morning exercise.  Head down, tail up, Boo sniffs at the trail of delights as she charges into the distance. She then pauses momentarily, before running back to join the laggers. All the time her tail of delight continues…


  1. You have described a pet we call Holly very well. Interesting how both dog's morning routines are so similar. What would we do without them?

  2. You nailed it on the head. A dogs routine is hard to change so we tend to constantly comply with their request. I chuckled at the circling the pup runs in circles quickly to signal as well. My favorite had to be the content metronome is truly the sign of a content dog.

  3. I laughed out loud at your tale! Our dog does similar sorts of things: as she has gotten older she takes to sighing deeply, over and over, which to me is hilarious. You painted this familiar scene very well. Thank you for an early morning smile.

  4. It's a great image, your burrowing into the covers, feigning sleep. I've tried many times, and lost. Though we no longer have a dog that makes us walk, we have a cat that proceeds to knock things off the dresser until we rise. I liked many of your phrases, like "a metronome in overdrive" and "snorts and snuffles".

  5. "They say a dog’s tail is directly connected to its heart. Boo is living proof of this." This is a great character description. I love all you are able to say about your dog that is universal, yet beyond ordinary because of the language you chose, the details you zero in on.


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