Slice of Life Story Day 4 The Tradition Continues

Among the many games my father taught me to play was Dominoes. And like most of the games he taught me, I continually strived, yet struggled to beat him
In turn I taught my own children to play the game. The dominoes were made from pressed wood and were black in colour. The dots were painted white or multi-coloured to signify different numbers.

On a trip to Cozumel, Mexico in 2006 I came across a rather special set of dominoes made from black marble, streaked with flecks of grey and white. The pieces felt so wonderfully smooth and cool in my hand. Even the box they came in was fashioned in marble. The pieces were heavy, yet I had a sense of their fragility as I gently handled them. Memories surfaced. I had a strong connection to my Dad at that moment.  I bought them without hesitation.

Most of the time they sit on a shelf in my study, but in the last few days I have been sharing them with Sass and Sunni. I am continuing the tradition and teaching them to play this simple little game from my childhood. A game so entwined in my personal history. I'm sure my Dad would be pleased.


  1. Your admiration for your father shows. I love the connection. Game time is so special and teaches life skills. Glad you are continuing the tradition. Liked the sensory description and the line about fragility. Unique connection. :)MaryHelen

  2. What I like best about your post is that it made me miss my dad. Thank you for the pleasant memories.

  3. What a great post tying the past with the present. Traditions a so valuable to families. You made me think of my own family traditions. Thanks.

  4. Great descriptions, Alan! I loved thinking about the memories and associations those kids will now have. They'll remember the feel of the dominoes in their small hands, and the sound they make as they knock against each other or the table. You brought back some great memories for me, too, this morning.

    -Carrie F.

  5. What a beautifully put together story. I could picture the dominoes perfectly before the picture came. I have a chess set that is very similar. A wonderful treasured set. Thank you!

  6. I love passing on warm fuzzy traditions. Children need to stay connected to times of the past. Games are a great way to do that. I taught my first graders to play Shut the Box. They made their own game boxes at Christmas. Such a simple activity and game brought so much joy to them and their families. Thank you for this post.

  7. I'm remembering our family set of Dominoes. It still exists in my mind...
    Good that you have such a gorgeous set Alan and that you can share it with your next generation, probably with stories to boot :)


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