Slice of Life Story Day 31 Lasting Impressions

As this is the last day of the Slice of Life Story Challenge for March 2011. it seems appropriate to focus on the word ‘last.’ I am conjuring up all those connections to ‘last.’
I am pleased that I was able to last the distance, to meet the challenge of writing and posting a writing slice every day, despite the all the other demands on my time. Because this is the last posting for the month I will miss the internal machinations of my sometimes scrambled mind as I ruminated on what to write each day. The rehearsal was continual. It was stimulating. Words and phrases tumbled around in my brain, like clothes in a dryer. I played with ideas until at last I settled on my script. Then I sat at the computer and the words spilled onto the screen.

As I continue to ponder the meaning of last, I think of children being picked last for a team, The Monkees singing, Last Train to Clarksville. And then I think about lasting memories, last but not least, last one home’s a purple pig, the call of last drinks in a hotel just before it closes. The condemned man thinks about what he would eat for his last meal.  These are not the last thoughts about last though!

I can hear it now. -The call at JFK airport that always used to aggravate the pedant in me when they announced repeatedly, ’This is the last AND final call for passengers travelling to (name a destination).’

Think about how annoyed we become when people change plans or change their minds at the last minute. Then think about the sense of elation when the last piece of the puzzle falls into place.

Custer’s Last Stand, Mao’s Last Dancer and who will get the last laugh? How much longer will this last? And who will save the last dance for me? What will be my last resort? Last night, last one, last chance…

Well, at last we have come to the end of this challenge and once again it has been such a worthwhile challenge in which to be involved. I have met new writers and given and received feedback. My horizons have been extended as I have read about the lives of others in areas far removed from mine.  As much as we are different, we share a sense of community and fellowship. Happy, sad, weird and wonderful ideas have been shared through our respective postings. Once again, the journey has been a hoot! 

Not last night but the night before, I came up with an idea for all those slices from the past three years. I am placing them into a book, rather than have them hidden away on my computer. I have titled the book, ‘Slices From A Life.’  This is not the last thing you will hear from me. We’ll see who has the last laugh!



  1. Did you enjoying playing with the word last? I can see this being a wonderful workshop exercise, Alan. It was fun to read and I smiled each time you were able to draw upon one more last. It reminded me of my friend Sylvia who could always make her ice cream last longer than mine.

  2. Nice.
    Like you, I think to the last few years of slicing and wonder when I can find the time to read back, and remember. I need to do that. After all, we are archiving a month of our lives here, right?
    It's been great reading you. (sounds strange to write that, but it's true, right?)

  3. This is a terrific, awesome, wonderful post! I just can't say enough about it! So this is your third year doing is my first! I guess I have had my head in the sand. I wish i had paid attention, but at least i have started now! I enjoyed your piece and think it is great you are putting your writing in a book! Funny how the words did come each day! I liked your words, " tumbled around in my brain, like clothes in a dryer". Thanks so much for sharing! I'm sad that this is our last day slicing, at least for now. I plan to write on the Slice of Life Tuesdays! Enjoy! :)

  4. I'm glad to be privy to your reflection. Thanks Alan. I, too, am working on a book of slices. I think it is important at some point to move slices from their digital home to a tangible place.
    Thanks for writing again,
    PS Can't wait to get your new book about writing.

  5. I've enjoyed meeting you through words. I will be looking for your book, too. I've truly enjoyed your way with words--wonderful thoughts about last. Hope bananas return for you.

  6. It's been a pleasure to read your slices. Your clever "word work" & topic choices have given me ideas for my own writing, but even better, have stretched me as a writer to do better. Thank you a bunch! Publishing your slices is a super idea, but you might also consider it as a companion for your book. Teachers are always looking for collections of mentor texts. 'Twould be good!

  7. Loved this. I was going to write something "final-ish" too, but I know I can't top this! I think the idea of packing them all into a book is a fabulous idea. Now to find the time. . .

    Anyway, like Kevin says, it was great reading you--I enjoyed your posts and always appreciated your perspectives and comments on my blog. Thank you so much!

    Elizabeth E.

  8. "I will miss the internal machinations of my sometimes scrambled mind as I ruminated on what to write each day..."
    I sliced about just this the other's a wonderful habit to fall into, on an everyday basis. Many thanks for your thoughtful posts from down under.

  9. I always love reading your posts. I am planning on acquiring your book - the Igniting Writing one- and sharing it with colleagues. Always great to see you here. Thank you for continuing to share your perspectives and wonderful way with words.


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