Slice of Life Story Day 26 The Days of Summer Recalled

Summer Story Video Finally Completed!  Today, a Slice with a Digital Difference...

This morning I finally finished my digital story! I have gradually assembled the pieces of the summer past into a form that hopefully conveys the spirit of the season. No matter where one resides, there are commonalities surrounding summertime. There are also events unique to our respective parts of the world. What I now share with you is a glimpse of my summer.

 I wanted to tell the story of my Australian summer –what there was of it. A summer of record rain, gloomy grey skies the colour of bruises and the all too infrequent beach days. The days we naturally savoured. Sandwiched between these extremes were the unforgettable memories of precious moments spent with family and friends. Each day I tried to find a scene, a moment, something seemingly unnoticed to freeze in time with my camera. The photogrpahic eye and the eye of the writer hopefully working in synch. The photos captured with camera and iphone and the essential experiences of the summer season, are included in my summer slice. Hope you like what you see and see what you like…


  1. Thanks Alan, for the different format. I enjoyed the photos and the story. Loved the opposing flood waters and the sunny beach.

  2. Great job.
    I love that song (never heard it before).
    I am always up for a digital slice. I sort of was hoping to hear your voice on there, too.

    PS -- who is the band?

  3. This was great! Another teacher and I are hoping to create a digital storytelling unit/class for next school year. This would be a great activity for kids! Also, loved the line "gloomy grey skies the colour of bruises". The image popped into my head immediately.

  4. Well, it went so fast, just like summer! I know that each photo means so much. I liked the changes, aided by funny clip art, & music that you picked, & the words like "tubtulation" (not sure I caught the exact spelling).
    Lovely way to catch a memory.

  5. I like how it makes me realize there are many different ways to tell our stories. Thank you for allowing us a glimpse into your summer.

  6. Great slice. Love DS pieces Alan and like Kevin, I like the tune too.

  7. Alan,
    This was an awesome slice! Looks like you captured memorable moments of summer. ~Theresa


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