Slice of Life Story Challenge March 23 - Plentiful Poetic Pleasures

I have been looking closely at poetry today. -Inspired by the writing efforts of fellow Slice of Life participants. Elsie's efforts at Spine poetry had me searching the shelves of my library, shuffling books and creating possible pieces. Creative juices flowing, I grabbed my camera to capture and edit my efforts.

My mind racing, I experienced the spark of another idea, and began cutting assorted words and phrases from magazines and newspapers with gusto. Edward Scissorhands? Maybe a little less frenzied in my snipping, but enthusiastic certainly. I arranged the assembled words into a form that appealed and before you could say, ‘Existentialism!’ I had managed to create some collage poetry.
All good fun, and more ideas to share with teachers and students alike. So, now I will print off a couple of examples to put in my notebook as reminders.

More positive poetic practice on this Saturday afternoon…


  1. Great poems Alan! I love the idea of a collage poem. Also, be sure to link your spine poem in 100 Scope Notes spine poem gallery collection!
    Here's the link to it:

    What fun!

  2. Love the found poems, Alan! They would make fun appreciation or note cards too. The factory girls poem sings!

  3. Great poems! It is inspiring how one form of a poem creates the idea for another form. I will have to try the collage poem. Maybe that could even become a sub plan.....

  4. Creative as usual! Great spine poems, love the image of the factory girls swinging on the clothes line. Now you have inspired me to try the collage poem. Those were so fun, each line a new delight. I must find some magazines and collect the papers as my husband had just driven off with all our paper to recycle. Curses! Moments too late!

  5. I love these poems! (And the image of Edward Scissorhands cutting up the magazines) Collage poetry would be really fun to do with middle school students. I love your book poem!

  6. Wonderful-all. I want to hear more about the "worse things at sea", & especially like "your future/the city of ideas". You did a lot of work for this, Alan. Nice to see all the ideas!

  7. I love both your spine poems and the collage poems. My students loved creating spine poems earlier this month. Some of them were surprised by how much fun they could have with books and writing.

  8. Your poems were very creative! I enjoyed them all. It would be fun to get the newspapers and magazines out in the classroom and see what the kiddos would come up with. Great idea!

  9. Your collage poems are really stellar! I'm going to pass this along to my teachers who are starting a poetry unit if that's ok. These would be great mentor poems for them! Thanks for sharing.

  10. I enjoyed both your spine poems and your phrase poems from magazines. The magazine cut-outs reminded me a bit of "found poetry" in which the poet finds words in other places and reframes them.

    I really enjoyed your books poem. I like the way you started and ended with the topic of your poem, placing words in between to tell us more.

    Thanks for sharing,


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