Slice of Life Story - Postcards,- Not the Most Cards

Have you noticed how much things have changed in relation to communicating about holidays? Once, we used to use ink to convey messages on postcards from exotic destinations. We would purchase a stack of them and quickly scribble a note to friends and family back home struggling with their mundane daily events while we relaxed in foreign climes. Sending postcards has diminished greatly as a means of communicating holiday moments it seems.

These days more ink travels on the bodies of tourists than they ever expend on the traditional postcard. Tattoos, it seems tell the story of the traveller’s deeds while away. Mobile phone messages, blogs and emails have also stepped up the list as more immediate ways of telling the folks back home how you are passing the days in Paris, Phuket, Florida or Tierra del Fuego. Postcards have suffered the fate of other snail mail forms and fallen out favour with many people, -particularly, younger travellers. The postcard has become passé to these Gen Y techno savvy travellers.

I still send postcards though. I send them to my grandkids. It provides them with something tangible to hold onto as a keepsake. It personalizes the communication. There is still delight in their eyes when they receive something through the post. It helps them to visualize where I have been. Mind you, I also take lots of photographs to share with them as well. So, while I embrace technology, I cling to the iconic postcard as a form of communication that still has relevance –for me at least.


  1. I love getting mail to and am sad that it's a dying habit. There is nothing better than a letter or postcard to brighten up a day!! Great slice!

  2. I was able to get to your post by clicking on your name, but the link wasn't working???

    I love postcards, but I find myself instead taking pictures and putting them on Facebook or my blog. Saves postage!

  3. I'm afraid that you're exactly right. I hope that my daughters get to know the joy of sending and receiving an unexpected letter/postcard.

    I was also unable to get the link to cooperate @ TWT, but was already a follower, so I found you that way. :)


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