Slice of Life Story - Reflections on the Slice of Life Challenge

Today is a great day for some reflection. For today marks the end of a journey. -A journey that commenced exactly a month ago with my involvement in the Slice of Story Challenge for March. This writing challenge was concieved and set up by Stacey Shubitz and Ruth Ayres from Two Writing Teachers and it is to these writers and educators, I am indebted.

It is said that it is the journey not the destination that is important, and there is ample evidence that is indeed true. While taking part in this challenge I have made discoveries, for part of this journey has involved exploring self. I have also been able to learn of common incidents in their real state by reading the words of fellow writers. These incidents have allowed me to contemplate and connect, despite our geographical differences. I have gained a better appreciation of the happiness that resides in the present moment. When we learn to do this we stop borrowing from the bank of future hope. I have also made discoveries, -words, phrases, ideas as well as the optimism that resides in the attitudes of my fellow citizens of the world. Involvement in this writing challenge has enabled me to give and receive feedback in regard to the words generated by my fellow participants. As writers and life long learners this psychological stroking is vital to our persistence. For me personally, one of the critical things gained from taking part in this project is the self discipline it requires to write and post a slice of life entry each and every day. Another real positive is the sense of community one obtains when feedback is received. It is the responses that make it so worthwhile. To hear of common experiences, to hear of wonder and curiosity, to hear of empathy, excitement and joy is what sustains us all.

This morning I walked to the Pacific Ocean from our Broadbeach apartment, a short walk through the adjacent parkland. Vicki and Sunni had gone before me and as I stood on the headland, they waved to me. The beach was closed to swimming because of the swell. It didn’t matter, it was refreshing anyway, just standing at the shoreline and letting the waves tumble over my feet. I took a few photos before joining my fellow beach buddies to dig holes in the wet sand- ‘We need your big hands Papa!’ Sunni informed me. It was then the words of Jimmy Buffett came floating back to me...
Feel it all with a willing heart
Every stop, there's a place to start
If you know how to play the part with feeling
I play with feeling
(Le vie Dansante)
So, it’s all about taking part, being involved, playing with feeling. No matter whether it’s a writing challenge or digging in the wet sand at the beach…


  1. Alan, you have a way with words. It has been a pleasure to read your posts. I look forward to reading more next March.

  2. This phrase "happiness that resides in the present moment" says it all, right? I have enjoyed the poetic sentences here at your blog during March. Thank you.

  3. Kevin has already noted this, but what spoke to me was the line: happiness that resides in the present moment. I've been mulling over it ever since I first read it - a rich and beautiful idea.

  4. Beautiful reflection. I like how you've tied everything together!

  5. I too loved reading your posts this month. I used your writing about the creek to teach my students. They noticed so much it actually became two lessons. So, thanks and please, keep writing.

  6. I too used a few of your points with my students today as we were reflecting. One line in particular that spoke to me was "it is the journey not the destination that is important." Thank you for helping us to engage in deeper reflection. Have fun building sand castles!

  7. I love how you post keeps building here and ending with Jimmy B. Your words are gorgeous and familiar Alan. I loved sharing slices with you this month,

  8. It's definitely about taking part! Even when our slicing community was very small that first year, it was a real community. That feeling of being a group of writers is so special. I always enjoy reading your posts, Alan.


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