Slice of Life - Those Autumn Leaves

Another day in the Slice of Life Story Challenge for MARCH...
Sunday morning finds me sweeping leaves from the drive way in front of our house. As I vigorously work the broom, the wind and the trees conspire to frustrate me. I clear the area of leaves, turn to walk away and then notice my twin foes are taunting me with fresh deposits. Leaves, twigs and small branches miraculously appear seemingly from thin air and lay on the concrete. Leaves dance and flitter before settling on my previously clear canvas. I return to sweeping and remove the latest wind borne irritants. I sweep with renewed intensity. With Shakespearean seriousness I want to cry -'Out damned spot!' because to me this is a tragedy.

I am determined to win- but I won’t. Such is the inevitability of this lopsided contest. Trees and wind one, eternally damned sweeper nil. At least I tried and I did enjoy the transitory pleasure of a clear driveway for those few seconds. Small pleasures punctuate our days. I shall return yet again and go through this ritual of sweeping the driveway –but not today. The wind and the trees will once again frustrate my efforts and commence to do their thing. Is that the wind I hear whispering, or do I actually hear the soft hint of a snigger? I truly believe those things that challenge us, do make us stronger!
I am the broom warrior and as Arnie once so famously uttered –I’ll be back! but for now, I'll leave well enough alone.


  1. That was me, too, yesterday, just not as poetic in thought.

  2. Hey yes, not the most fun, but isn't the broom better than the gloves, winter coat and the dreaded shovel?

  3. I see my husband go through this process every spring and every fall. The fall is the one that gets to him because we have such a heavy leaf drop. Your description brought a smile to my face.

  4. Dear Broom Warrior,

    It's fascinating to read this post since it reminds me that our little SOLSC community comes from all parts of this world. While you're raking the fall leaves, we're getting ready to plant in gardens. Good luck rangling everything up from your yard.

    Regards from someone who is happy spring is here

  5. Alan, I laughed at your "Shakespearean seriousness." It is a feeling we've all felt.

  6. I can't wait to read the one about your weeding:)
    Ode to all of the small things that punctuate our day.

  7. I enjoyed this post and have felt the same way - whether sweeping outside or in my bathroom (my hair never ceases to keep falling out nor does the dust ever stop appearing).


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