Slice of Life Tuesday: T Shirt Stories And Other Glories

I deas exist in things are words frequently resounding in my head... It's a constant reminder to look carefully at the things that surround my daily existence, for they possess much potential for writing stimulation. A conversation with a long time friend has given rise to things we collect and tend to hang onto. He told me he had several suitcases filled with old t-shirts he had acquired across the years. His wife regularly implores him to throw them out, but sentimental attachments has made this an unpalatable thing to contemplate. She has suggested he take photos of them and then throw them out. Heaven forbid, he replies. This has given me the spark of an idea. I have suggested he write a book of t-shirt stories, or set up a photographic exhibition using his favourite fifty tees. It is obvious there is some potential in these archived garments. However, my suggestions have failed to garner much support or indeed action. On the other hand, I found mysel...