Writing from the Home Zone

 Image may contain: outdoor

So, yesterday I spent my writing time in our small garden. It was the perfect morning for writing outdoors. Quiet, balmy air, sunshine, no traffic humming in the distance, no machine noise, solitude in the garden.

I also took time to wander about and take photos. If my illustrating skills were better, maybe I could have indulged in some drawing as well. I had an idea... Maybe the photographs could spark some short little poetry pieces. 

That way I could share with others how the place we find ourselves located, can be quite an inspiration -if we sit still and observe closely. If we make a mindful effort to look around at what's in our immediate view. Ideas are all around us waiting to be discovered.

‘Sometimes the easiest way to start writing is not to try to think something up, but simply to write something down- and what better place to begin than with what’s is right in front of your eyes.’

Andy Griffiths, 'Once Upon A Slime'

So, posted below are the first four poems and some of the photographs I captured in my brief tour of the garden. I urge everyone to give it a try and if it works for you, share it with the kids in your care. 

Writers share, and open ended ideas are what we need right now. Feel free to share this if you think it might contribute to your writing realm. It certainly helped to lighten the mood for me.

Appreciating the space you’re in is important.

'Go out into the garden, Maud!'

Hope you are all finding some peace in the spaces you are currently inhabiting.  

Here is the latest poem from my garden home...

Your frame
Rust covered
Holds a mirror
Against the side fence
Behind a tree
In our garden

-Don't think
For a moment
We can't see you 
back there 
Among the shadows.


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