Slice of Life Story - Scenes From A Supermarket

My final March Slice of Life Story Challenge piece finds me at the supermarket. I called in to pick up some milk, breakfast cereal and bananas. As I made my way through the ailses I was struck by the following realization... I am increasingly of the view that people should have to pass a driving test to operate a supermarket trolley. There should be on the spot fines for blocking the aisle, and sudden un-announced u –turns should be banned. It is challenging enough to operate a trolley with the obligatory wobbly wheel without decision challenged individuals obstructing your access to the fruit and veg section while they prop and ponder over heaven knows what. I don’t resent having to gather food in this manner. I view it as a highly evolved form of hunting and gathering that has mercifully eliminated the need to set traps and snares, or fire arrows. That is evolution at its best. No, what upsets me about the supermarket trolley bash is the consumer who enters the food gathering enviro...