Slice of Life Story - On The Water

Sunday in Sydney brought with it a ferry ride on the harbour. Sailing past the majestic Sydney Opera House with its pitched sail roof canopies was uplifting. It glowed white in the bright autumn sun. Boats of all sizes flitted across the waves as our ferry forged its way to the Circular Quay terminal. Sydney can be seen at its best on such days.

There is something quite soothing about travelling across water. It calms the soul and some of life’s concerns somehow just seem to drift away.

I am fortunate enough to live within walking distance of the ocean. It affords me an escape when the ideas are not flowing in my writing. On windy days it blows away the cobwebs. The sea is also an inspiration for ideas. Beachcombing brings with it unexpected treasures –sea-glass, shells and driftwood.

Along one fence at home there is an odd assortment of found objects collected from beach visits. Numerous balls, flippers, buckets, spades, single discarded thongs (flip-flops) hang brightly from the fence reminding us of what the sea brings, or more precisely what humans leave behind.


  1. Ruth and Stacey call that stuff "ephemera". I really miss living by the ocean. It does indeed clear the mind and prompt ideas.

  2. Mmm ... you are lucky to live so close to the ocean. There's a whole different kind of ephemera that washes up at water's edge down by the East River!

  3. you live near the bay, not the ocean


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