
Showing posts from March, 2025

Finding My Writing Identity

    My Personal Journey To Claiming Writer Identity The development of my identity as a writer did not occur as some kind of overnight revelation. It was more like a gradual metamorphosis, resulting from a life-long immersion in writing and responding to the call of words. Words are something I love very much. A major influence in this area was my father who was not a writer, but, someone who certainly loved words and honed the art of playing with them. He was riddler, puzzler with a pronounced ability for wordplay He fostered my close attention to the power words possessed. I willingly took his gift and used it to drive my desire to write, which emerged quite early and never receded.   As a result, I have clung tenaciously to writing as if it were a safe harbour in a storm. Looking back, I was clearly a writer under construction. I just kept writing until the words got better. Many years later, calling myself a writer felt more comfortable. I still strongly recall writin...