Finding My Writing Identity
I still strongly recall writing a poem about ‘Spring’ in my Grade 4 year of primary school and my fellow classmates urging me to share it with our teacher, Mr.Manzie. Mr.Manzie duly asked me to share my words with the whole class. Following the reading, they spontaneously clapped. I felt validated as a probationary poet. All these years later, I have no recall of the words of that ancient poem, but I have never forgotten how it made me feel- and I certainly wanted more of that. My poet’s heart had awoken.
My writing identity has gradually been constructed from decades of writing experiences, writing projects, a lifetime of teaching and reading, coupled with an insatiable curiosity. I have moved from being a teacher who wrote, to a writer who teaches. The moment of this transformation was naturally quite imprecise. I began to progressively embrace my change of identity. I now see myself as a lifelong writer. It is part of who I have become.
So the question I often ask young writers is ’When are you a
Sometimes identity is bestowed upon us by others…
I encountered a curious child in a school I was visiting just outside Adelaide in South Australia. He walked by me while I sat in the office reception area and stared intently, before enquiring, ‘Hey mister, are you the Poemster?’ So, sitting in the soft shadows of a winter afternoon I suddenly had acquired my identity. It can be like that sometimes. That newly coined word –poemster so impressed me, I used it in the title of one of my poetry anthologies.
On another occasion while exiting my local supermarket a boy in the company of his dad suddenly announced –'Hey dad, that’s Alan Wright- he’s a poet!’ Not sure if his dad was impressed but I certainly walked a little taller as I returned to my car after my hunting and gathering expedition.
Alan j Wright
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