Slice of Life Story-Moving from One Writer's Notebook to Another
Mixed feelings swirl around me when commencing a new writer's
notebook. The prospect of filling the fresh pages brings with it
anticipation, presenting as a prospect to be enthusiastically embraced.
To see newly generated words spread out across previously unmarked
pages delivers a buzz. The very act of capturing the raw stuff of my writing
life, delivers order and a sense of accomplishment to my active mind. The
harvesting of words and ideas adds to the energy for writing in this new place.
I am like the farmer ploughing a new field.
I make a conscious decision to choose a notebook with different dimensions and qualities to its predecessor. Some writers choose the same notebook each time a replacement is required. I embrace the notion of change along with the unique shape and form of the potential replacement notebook.
I remain keen to shape this new notebook in a way that establishes
its difference from previous notebooks. The contents will add further to the
individuality. There will be new discoveries. My notebooks, like people,
possess unique attributes.
This changeover time however remains a bittersweet moment in my
writing life. I am confronted with saying farewell to a trusted friend. I am
saying goodbye to a travelling companion, the willing catcher of my thoughts
and dreams. The notebook just completed has been with me every day for the past
few months. Everywhere I have been, it has been there too. It travelled home
with me from Rome last year after my wife purchased it at ‘Manufactus’ notebook
shop opposite the Pantheon as a birthday surprise. A beautifully constructed
leather bound notebook with generously thick paper pages. I had to wait to use
it as I had just started another notebook at that time.
This precious gift of a notebook, like its predecessors has travelled
with me everywhere- just in case. It now bulges like a well fed belly. -A
notebook crammed with gathered thoughts, ideas and potential treasures to spark
more detailed writing pieces. It contains much of the research information that
is contributing to my current writing project. It has been with me throughout
the Poems of Presence project in May. It has retained its leathery smell.
My new notebook, (another gift) represents a stunning departure
from its predecessor. It comes from ‘Karst’ a Sydney based company who pride
themselves in producing sustainable products. This new notebook is made from
recycled, pulverized stone. No trees, water, bleach acid were used in its
production, making its carbon footprint noticeably smaller. It contains a
‘paper’ made from stone. The resultant product is smoother and durable. When I
pick it up, this notebook feels noticeably heavier in my hand and the pages
discernibly different to the touch. Writing in this notebook represents a
slightly different feel, I must say. It is an ideal notebook for Covid times as
it means I don’t have to carry it about as much as I would normally do.
Moving forward, I will consciously carry both notebooks with me. This
is the handover period. There exists for me as a writer, a natural connection, bridging
the old and the new. This connection stretches across time with one notebook
informing the other. As my new notebook begins to fill, it will reach a point
where it will contain sufficient content to travel solo. The older notebook
will be gently retired to become part of my ever expanding collection of
completed notebooks, stretching back to 1983.
My just completed notebook will continue to play an active role in
my writing life. While it will cease to be my travelling companion, I will
periodically revisit it and the other notebook for the purposes of reconnecting
and rereading. I am conscious of the vital role rereading plays in
informing my writing ideas. It will serve as a source for research and
reinvigoration. It is from reading old entries new ideas frequently reveal
themselves. I will adopt the role of treasure hunter and text detective.
It is akin to a reunion with an old friend. I take great joy and
renewed pleasure in the reconnection. These notebooks are central to my
existence as a writer and educator. All my published work began a tentative
existence within the collective pages of my various notebooks. They are the
footprints left by my writing journey, my life's journey.

Ha! Another night owl who posts past midnight. Holy cow! Is that your real handwriting? If so, you were meant to keep notebooks; it is exquisite to look at. I share your love of notebooks, but haven't been nearly as organized or dedicated to keeping them. But mine, too, stretch over decades. Unlike yours, they are not only writing notebooks; they have been travelogues, personal journals; the diaries of my children growing up, and, yes, writing notebooks. I can no longer write longhand; my penmanship is illegible after a few paragraphs. And I have developed pretty serious arthritis in both hands, probably from too much crafting and writing. But I still can't pass up purchasing a new notebook if I happen to come across one!
ReplyDeleteActually Barbara, I posted this at 4.30pm Australian Eastern standard time, but you are right, I do tend to be a night owl. Thank you for your kind remarks regarding my handwriting. I am left handed and in my very first year of school, my teacher had the temerity to tell me- 'You should change to your right hand, because you will never be a neat writer!' I have devoted my entire writing life to proving her proclamation wrong. I am not a fast writer, but I am neat. I am saddened to hear of your issues with arthritis, That is cruel in every sense of the word. You're right about notebooks, they are hard to resist. I have at least a dozen sitting on my study shelf all ready to go.
DeleteThe changeover is something, eh? I wrote a letter of appreciation to my "old" notebook this weekend as ready to move on...
ReplyDeleteYou're right Erika, the changeover is something of a ceremony. I love the idea of writing a letter of appreciation to an old notebook. I once wrote a letter of 'anticipation to a notebook. I should follow your lead as a valuable reflective exercise.
DeleteA beautiful tribute to the notebook. It’s not an easy decision to make, when choosing a new notebook. Your description shows the value your notebook holds in your life.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind remarks Jess. You're right about the decision making process. I'm actually glad it's not easy. it means I have made a considered choice. Thank you for noticing the significance of notebooks within my writing life. I'm glad that shone through.
DeleteI am so grateful for having followed this writing pathway all these years. it has contributed greatly to both my writing and my personal well being.