Leaping Into A Successful Writing Year In The Classroom

My fervent hope for this year, as it is every year, is for student writers to encounter teachers who are focused on teaching the inexperienced writer how to write, rather than what to write. For this to become a reality, teachers of writing must be prepared to commit to being writers too. Writing alongside your students sends a vital message regarding the importance of being someone who chooses to write. it immediately elevates writing in the minds of impressionable, curious learners. I urge everyone who is responsible for teaching writing to be bold and brave. Become the risk taker you want your students to be. I can say this with full confidence; every teacher possesses the potential to be the most influential writing mentor students will encounter in any school year. You don’t have to be a published writer to successfully mentor young writers, but you most certainly need to be a teacher who writes. You must be someone who makes time to write. S...