Slice of Life Story -Simple Pleasures

I wrote this poem almost 30 years ago. It celebrates simple pleasures. 

Simple Pleasures

The memories of this splendid Saturday
Etched indelibly on mind
With all the colours intact
Browsing through the bookshop
Walking and talking
The touch of your hand
A bicycle ride on a wintery afternoon
Simple pleasures 
We shared.
My feelings so close to the surface spill over
Warm and gentle
I don't feel vulnerable
I feel loved.
When your eyes fix upon me
They journey straight to my heart
I am carried to where you are
just as love will always do
Simple pleasures 
Have become my greatest delight
It is being here 
With you 
When you say simply
I love you.

It pleases me to report I have retained this vision of celebrating simple pleasures from that time forward. It is important to note those small yet significant moments that float across our days. Moments observed and shared. And so it happened, yet again... 

Yesterday, first thing in the morning my wife, Vicki  greeted me with some news she thought I would welcome warmly.  She had just read in the Melbourne newspaper, ‘The Age’ that a ten kilometre long poem has been etched into the white line of a bike path (The Upfield Trail) stretching from the fringes of Melbourne city in Brunswick to Fawkner Cemetery. As the poem snakes its way along the path it begins to tell a story It took one month for artists to inscribe the poem for Moreland Council’s ‘More Art Show.’ The poems tell stories as reflections of the day inspired by people they had met and scenes they had observed. Vignettes from locals included that of a Greek man who stops for a stretch and a joke on his daily walk the poem is presented in a range of languages.

What a wonderful piece of news upon which to launch the day. Yet again Vicki had gifted me a simple pleasure. 

My day got better. A wander in the garden a short time later and the sight of a painted lady butterfly fluttering about in search of nectar rich plants informed me of the health of our garden. The sight of butterflies always deserves our undivided attention.

Driving to my coffee haunt of choice,‘Il Piccolo’ around mid morning the car radio delivered more in the way of simple pleasures. A story came floating towards my ears telling me of the Moonee Ponds Municipal Library's (in Melbourne's west) wonderful initiative in abolishing all fines for overdue library books in exchange for food donations to reduce the plight of struggling families. So far, they have raised in excess of $5000 worth of food donations- as well as reconnecting with a lot of library books, thought lost.  Such a positive outcome for all concerned. My day just kept getting better.

Later in the day as the summer sun was mellowing in intensity I found myself to water our tomato plants. They are a picture of health, with lush green vines and with bountiful fruit forming. As I watered around the base of the plants I noticed a glint of red within the centre of the burgeoning plants. Closer inspection revealed a cluster of fully formed cherry tomatoes. I reached into take hold of them. A soft squigginess in my probing hand revealed their obvious ripened state. The first harvested tomatoes of the summer in my hand. Searching further, I uncovered a fruitful abundance. 

The words of John Keats floated easily into my head’ A thing of beauty is a joy forever.’ And these ripe read fruity pearls certainly qualify. Fresh home grown, organic tomatoes. Resistance was futile. I ate a couple right there and then. Nothing so good is ever found in a supermarket wrapped in plastic film. No matter how times I experience on the onset of summer tomatoes, It remains forever, a simple pleasure, a sumptuous delight.

So there it was, a day awash in simple pleasures...

I must continue to consciously quarantine time in the day, any day, to let such moments swirl around me and revealing their powerful magic.

 I don’t make resolutions at the start of a new year, but I am determined to have more days like yesterday by consciously seeking out those glorious simple pleasures that await my attention.


  1. The beautiful always surrounds us, runs through us, if we but pay attention. Intentionally seeking or being still in order to see or hear it is a worthy goal, indeed. The glory of simply being alive. Your words capture & celebrate it - as did poor, tragic Keats. But his words keep on speaking of it...

    1. Thank you for your reflective thoughts Fran. It's good that those words of Keats keep reverberating in our lives.

  2. Thank you for sharing those beautiful moments. Those simple moments make our life richer. Regards

    1. My pleasure Lakshmi. My simple pleasure. And yes you are absolutely right- such things do indeed make make our life richer.

  3. What a glorious post--words and photos. These words really resonate: "So there it was, a day awash in simple pleasures...

    I must continue to consciously quarantine time in the day, any day, to let such moments swirl around me and revealing their powerful magic."
    I always benefit from reminders to savor simple pleasures and unexpectedly rich moments in my day. Your appreciation for such things shines throughout this post. Thanks!

    1. Thank you for your kind remarks Molly. It is always a joy to share such positive moments. May your quest for simple pleasures be amply rewarded.

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  11. Hi, just wanted to mention, I enjoyed this post.
    It was inspiring. Keep on posting!


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