Some Conventional Wisdom About Writing
Many of us carry scars inflicted by the Grammar Police. Teachers and other adults who could spot an errors from across the room.Much of my childhood was punctuated (sorry, I couldn’t resist that) by zealous red pen people.
They frequently reminded me my efforts to write conventionally clearly
fell short. I was in need of correction and their written comments were used to
reinforce my grammatical shortcomings, my failure to conform to the adult model
of acceptable English. I don’t ever recall receiving written comments regarding
the intent of my writing. The focus appeared to be purely on the surface features
of the writing. It was a deficit model of teaching writing.
In reality
I was practicing conventions every time I wrote. Every time I wrote, I was
moving a smidge closer to becoming a writer who understood how conventions
assisted me to convey a clearer message to my readers.
Think about
it. As we write each letter to form words, as we allow spaces between those
words, when we place capital letters at the beginning of a new sentence and
full stops at the conclusion of that sentence, we are providing irrefutable
evidence and a knowledge of language conventions. We are honouring the worth of
such conventions by consistently writing in this manner. The conventions we use
act like signposts, assisting the reader to negotiate a text. This use of
conventions frees the reader to focus on making meaning from our scribing.
are designed to assist the writer’s thoughts to emerge on the page in ways that
allow them to be understood and appreciated by others. Conventions add a precision
to our work as writers. Teachers, being
the most proficient and experienced writers in the classroom should willingly
share their knowledge and use of conventions through their own writing.
As teachers
you can actively support young writers as they grapple with the use of writing
conventions by noticing and reinforcing instances where they are used
effectively in the writing they produce.
When the
developing writer demonstrates an increasing awareness of language conventions
we can support them by providing suitable feedback, such as:
‘As you
read your writing to me just then I noticed you had a full stop in exactly the
right place. You ended that sentence perfectly.’
(Provides an opportunity to reinforce effective use of conventions)
(Provides an opportunity to reinforce effective use of conventions)
‘I notice
you wrote your friend’s name using a capital letter at the start, How do you
know about that?
(Provides the writer with an opportunity to articulate their understanding of when to use capital letters)
(Provides the writer with an opportunity to articulate their understanding of when to use capital letters)
teachers highlight such matters in conversations/writing conferences it
highlights their significance to being effective as a writer. It shines a light
on matters of importance. The young writer grows to appreciate that conventions
assist the writer’s message to be convey more clearly. With such a view, the
developing writer is more likely to want to build their own proficiency.
The work of
Jeff Anderson comes to mind here. Jeff suggests teachers of writing share
exemplars of text and issue student writers with an invitation to explore.
Discussion could then centre on noticing the writer’s effective use of
conventions (commas, dialogue, capitalization, tense agreement, pronouns,
specific words, grammar).
What is the
author doing with conventions, you want to do in your own writing?
If we aim
to make our student writers aspirational, it will be reflected in a greater
desire to add conventions to their writing repertoire. When it comes to
teaching young writers about language conventions keep asking the question- How
does this help the reader to understand the writing?
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