The Writer As Collector -Using A Writer's Notebook

Adelaide February 28th

Looking forward to returning to Adelaide to present a workshop on using the writer's notebook as a collection zone for my writing ideas and how we can share this information with student writers
The Writer as Collector - Using a Writer's Notebook
Presenter: Alan J Wright
Saturday 28 th February, 9.00 - 1.00
Location: Glenelg Club/Gliderol Stadium: (Bignell Room) Brighton Road, Glenelg East
Registration costsIndividual Member: $95, Student: $70, Institutional: $120, Non members: $150

A Writer’s Notebook presents as an essential resource for teaching writing. It is a safe place for writers of all ages to harvest and experiment with ideas and launch more in depth writing projects. Teaching effectiveness in the writing classroom is greatly enhanced when teachers model and demonstrate how writers use a notebook to explore writing ideas.
As a writer and educator, Alan Wright has maintained writer’s notebooks for more than three decades. In this workshop Alan will share a range of strategies to stimulate writing through the use of notebooks and how student and teacher voices emerge from writing in such places.
Alan is a contributing author to Teaching Comprehension, (Aussie Interactive). Alan’s latest book, Searching For Hen’s Teeth (Poetry for children) was released late 2014. His previous book, Igniting Writing-When A Teacher Writes was published by Hawker Brownlow Education, 2011.


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