A Chance To Grow As A Writer- The Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge

Since 2009, I have taken part in the Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. This writing challenge involves sharing a story about your day for the entire month of March. I will be taking part again this year. One of the greatest benefits of being involved is the sense of community this month of writing engenders, it's also the discipline it brings to the writing task. My involvement since 2009 has enabled me to compose hundreds of writing pieces. I am grateful for that alone.

For those of you who are up for a challenge, I ask you to consider throwing your hat in the ring, as they say, and join 'Slicers' from all over the world in this rather compelling writing exercise. Not only will it give your writing a real impetus, there is also an opportunity for your students to become involved as well. I commend this to you as a great opportunity to boost your writing output, as well as the writing in your classroom.

Here are the details of the challenge as supplied by the highly organized team at Two Writing Teachers:

Dear Slicers,

We hope this letter finds you well.  

The Two Writing Teachers Team is looking forward to hosting the 8th Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge, Sunday, March 1st, 2015.  

We hope you’re planning to take part in this 31 day writing challenge by sharing a story about your day, every day, during the month of March.  The individual challenge will be hosted by Betsy Hubbard, Dana Murphy, and Stacey Shubitz.  In order to keep things interesting, we have a bunch of prizes for participants, which will be announced later this month.  Not everyone is guaranteed a prize in March, but if you write and link for 31 days you will be entered to receive a prize. Some prizes include professional and children’s books, journals, artwork, etc.  We also offer prizes during March for reaching certain goals.

Ready to get started? Here’s what you need to do:
·         Write and post a slice of life story on your blog starting on March 1st. Remember, a Slice is a little segment of your day.  For more information go to http://wp.me/p57D8-50l.
·         Copy the permalink.  This is the link that goes directly to your blog post, not just a link to your blog.
·         Visit the Two Writing Teachers “Call for Slices” post every day during the month of March.  (The call for Slice of Life stories will go live daily at 12:01 a.m.  In order to be in the running for a prize you must link your slice of life story by 11:59 p.m. EST.
·         Paste the unique URL in a comment with a short snippet about your Slice. Here is an example:
·         Read and comment on at least three other Slicers’ posts.  (NOTE: We added some comment guidelines this year.  Please go to http://wp.me/p57D8-51d if you haven’t seen them yet.)

But that’s not all!  This year is the third year we’re hosting an online Classroom Slice of Life Story Challenge.  Anna Gratz Cockerille, Beth Moore, and Tara Smith will run the Classroom Challenge.  For more information about bringing this challenge to your classroom point your browser to http://wp.me/p57D8-527.    
On behalf of the TWT team (i.e., Anna, Beth, Betsy, Dana, Stacey, and Tara) we hope to see you online throughout the month of March as part of our “Slicer” Community! We look forward to seeing you back for your next year of Slicing.

Warm regards,
Anna, Beth, Betsy, Dana, Stacey, and Tara


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