Summer Writes - Where Does My Poetry Hide?

Poetry should be part of the summer writes. It sings out to be included. So, where is it hiding? Where is it to be found? Let’s go see…

Where Does My Poetry Hide?

I look for it in conversations I hear on the street
In my collected treasures
Junky to precious
I look for it in lettuce, limes and lemons
In asparagus, apples, and apricots
I might find it in a packet of  extra strong peppermints
A jar of peanut butter
Smooth and cloying
I can find poetry in a cluster of seashells
Glittering sea glass
sandcastles and seaweed

I seek it out in a song’s refrain
And a child’s voice in a playground
I find it in my favourite books
An isolated word
Angry or otherwise
I see it in photographs that gently embrace my history
Poetry hides in a banana
A voice on the radio
A storm
In a day old newspaper article

I look for poetry in my wife’s eyes
Or recollections of my parents
I look for poetry when I listen to the morning song of magpies
I wake each day and I know it’s out there
Waiting for me

So where does your poetry hide?


  1. I may have to use this next week when I do a mini lesson on writing poetry! My students think it's hard to write and that they don't have any inspiration to write it. I loved how you wove all the places you find your poetry into one piece. Thanks for sharing


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