Slice of Life Story -Delight in Doing the Dishes

As writers, we need to celebrate those small seemingly mundane tasks in our daily lives. We need to embrace the wonder of ‘now’ and not allow it to become a casualty of the pace of our lives; swept aside in the rush towards the next item on a crowded agenda. There is beauty in small moments, even something viewed as a chore,  -doing the dishes.

Just because I meander, don’t assume I’m lost…


We share the kitchen

Washing the dishes

There are too few to fret over

When its tea for two

We work instinctively


Back and forth

At our respective tasks

Washing, wiping

Putting away

Never colliding

Never bumping

No clash or clamour

We glide

Through our detergent driven manoeuvres

Partners in a waltz around the kitchen sink

Pots and pans return to assigned places

And the dishwasher feeds on the leftovers

Our conversation floats easily

Background music drifting through

A moment

A memory

As we measure the day

The chore dissolves in a word sea

We complete the task

Rinse and wring

Wipe and fold


The dishes are done

No Problem


  1. What a lovely moment/dance in every day time.

  2. Such a beautiful description of such a mundane moment! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love that glide through the manoeuvers/partners in a waltz and 'the chore dissolves in a word sea'. Great verbs, yet a settled poem of this partnering. Thanks!

  4. I love how you make a task that I detest sound like something smooth, easy, and enjoyable. The dance metaphor was perfect.

  5. I love how your poem becomes a dance. Beautiful.

  6. This poem reminds me of one by Wendell Berry - something about the comfortable nature of couples who are in tune with each other.

  7. What a wondrous description of an every day chore. You danced it beautifully with you words.

  8. I feel like an eavesdropper as I read your descriptive poem. I could visualize you and your wife working and talking. It also says lots about the connections you share as a couple.

    I am amazed at how much writers tell about themselves and their life when they write.

  9. There is something cathartic about doing the dishes, but turning it into a dance is beautiful. Thank you for the magically mundane moment.


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