New Technologies and the Challenge for Teachers of Literacy

Saw this article on line and throught it was worth sharing. It challenges some misconcpetions about the volume of reading and writing students in which students are actually engaged. The challenge seems to be how we do maximize this literary interaction? 'Today's teens have grown up zooming among hyperlinks in cyberspace and conversing in an online world of Twitter and text messaging where acronyms, assorted shortcuts and creative punctuation have redefined everyday discourse. Experts figure that kids today read and write even more than previous generations. And they do so in a broader and more complex environment — though not always in academic ways. The fire hose of online content, plus evolving media platforms, present new challenges for students — and teachers rushing to keep up with technology — as 21st-century literacies blend with traditional skills. "I'm not going to say it's a good thing or a bad thing," says Elizabeth Kleinfeld, assistant profes...