'The Write Stuff' Teacher Magazine April 2011 Edition

The latest edition of  ACER's Teacher Magazine (April Edition) contains an article titled 'The Write Stuff' in which I have tried to outline the essential ingredients for an effective classroom writing program.

'In any successful writing program, certain principles are at the heart of the teaching, and the impact of these principles is clearly visible in the day to day operation of that particular classroom. In such places one senses a special energy –a genuine spark!

            A partnership exists. -A unique partnership where students and teachers share the common goal of becoming expert writers. Each participant assumes an increasing authority for personal writing outcomes. The gradual release of responsibility is at play in the teaching. Should we venture through the doorway and spend time in these learning environments, the following factors become self evident:'

For the full article go to : http://research.acer.edu.au/teacher/vol2011/iss220/7/


  1. Unfortunately I would have to be a subscriber to access your article, but thank you for the excerpt. It is clear to me also that unless that partnership is formed, little of value can happen. Thanks for the clear ideas.


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