Advice and Inspiration For Young Writers

After more than 50 years engaged in a writing life as both teacher and writer/poet, I offer the following advice to young and inexperienced writers. Advice about developing good writing habits and thinking about your writing in ways that deliver some essential energy to continue writing. I sincerely hope my words prove of value to you and you go eagerly to the page to write what matters, striving to build confidence and experience as authors. Here Goes! If your words sound boring to you, they will probably sound boring to your readers. Write so the reader wants to turn the page to find out what happens next. Read your writing out loud before you share it with anyone. Imagine yourself as a reader hearing the words for the first time. Listen carefully. Develop a routine for writing and stick to it. A routine time for writing is more valuable to you than waiting for inspiration to visit you. Make sure you read a lot. Reading adds fuel to your thoughts. Books provide a launchin...