
Showing posts from October, 2023

Improving Sentence Structure With Young Writers

Student   writing samples provide tangible evidence of where they are situated in relation to sentence structure.  Such writing samples immediately inform our instructional response.  Sentence structure capabilities can be rapidly improved by teaching into a range of simple, yet effective strategies. Many of the same techniques used to teach fluency in reading can be used to improve writing. Student writers need to be alerted to the importance and power of fluency. This process can begin by exposing them to writing samples that flow easily. Encourage young writers to listen to the words initially, before examining them more closely.  Help them to more readily recognise good sentence structure and apply this skill to their own writing. Grammar taught in context has the best chance of impacting the quality of student writing. Therefore a range of quality literature titles and mentor texts must be enlisted as exemplars of effective sentence structure. In truth, young wr...

Improving The Powers Of Observation Among Young Writers

Learning to be keenly observant is a valuable life skill. When one has a writer’s notebook it is such an advantage if the notebook owner possesses keen observational abilities. The mindful writer strives to notice things in the world around them, more acutely, more consciously, including sensory observations. They appreciate how such observations can complement their writing efforts. Observation serves the writer well. A window is always available through which to capture a little magic. To assist inexperienced student writers develop this essential awareness requires mindful action in the classroom:  Share text examples where the writer includes sensory details. Details that enable the reader to visualize the scene. Where writers employ  show, don't tell,  the reader is more likely to visualize the events and actions described. The words are decidedly reader friendly.                           ...

Purposeful Conversations To Assist Young Writers

T he conversations teachers conduct with young learners have the capacity to greatly influence writing development.  The art of conversation and the posing of meaningful questions is a skill educators would do well to mindfully develop.  The potential of these interactions to influence attitudes writing and outcomes should never be underestimated. The way we talk to young learners influences the very climate within the classroom. Open  up your classroom to authentic dialogue. It will deliver a little sunshine...      Opportunities to initiate writing conversations arise daily, throughout every writing workshop. Like all skills we hone, our abilities to ask questions through mindful actions benefit from regular practice.       Such conversations may take place during roving conferences, during strategy groups, check in groups, during individual writing conferences/conversations and also during share time.  They can be facilitated bet...