Writing Ideas- Encouraging The Inexperienced Writer To Adopt a Broader View

When young writers first begin to gather ideas for writing, their ‘gatherings’ are quite often not all that extensive. That’s not so surprising, given their relative inexperience as writers. It provides a clear signal that some proactive input is required. The teacher responsible for guiding the writing development of these young writers assumes a critical role in shining a light on further possibilities. The goal being to broaden the view of where the developing writer might venture to unearth potential writing ideas. The terrain is vast, ideas plentiful… So where to begin? Here are some ways the writing landscape can be opened up and explored more thoroughly to reveal a host of potential ideas. Writers are thinkers. To stimulate thinking and expanding the vision is the driving factor here. These suggestions are presented in no particular order. They are presented to support the growth of possibilities for young writers. Ideas are a writer’s oxygen. These suggestions are l...