Living Life Twice -Most Popular Posts 2022

Here are five of the most popular Living Life Twice posts for 2022. Thank you for your continuing support and interest in teaching writing and all it entails.

Donald Graves Address 2022: Reflecting Upon the Writing Revolution and the need for Rejuvenation

I felt greatly honoured presenting this year’s Donald Graves Address. Given the names of those who had previously presented here, I found myself in rare air and quite privileged to be called upon to celebrate the life work of Donald Graves. I remain indebted to ALEA/AATE for this incredible opportunity to share Donald's immense legacy with you.

Writing Conversations to Launch At The Start Of The School Year

Writing conversations to launch a school year. In the early weeks of a new school year, we would hopefully expect to hear conversations around writing raising matters with student writers, similar in intent to the types of matters listed below. Conversations that prompt thought and produce action.

Making Writing Assessment Authentic

When teachers look closely at the writing students produce - using authentic writing assessment, they begin to understand, more clearly, how writers operate. The teacher learns exactly what the developing writer knows and what they need to know next.  The sampled writing reveals what the writer has mastered, partially learned, and those aspects of writing not yet consistently controlled.

Mentor Texts- Mindfully Considered

There is something quite magical in being able to spread the joy of reading great words and what possibilities they spark in the mind of the reader. It all begins with selecting and sharing powerful texts and simply letting kids enjoy the wonderful words within.

Teaching Grammar Within The Writing Workshop

In 2005, Professor Richard Andrews of York University conducted the largest systematic review of existing studies on the teaching of grammar and found there was no evidence that teaching grammar as a formal stand-alone exercise helped 5-16 year old write more fluently, or accurately. A most powerful and informative finding. By way of contrast, contextualising the teaching of grammar assists students to understand the role grammar plays in the development of an effective writer. It teaches students to produce writing that is ‘reader friendly.’


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