Shining A Light On Writing Processes

Shining A Light On Writing Processes I have long tried to practice and advocate for the highlighting of process when teachers share examples of their own writing. To be a teacher who writes is a critical first step in helping young writers see that you value something you are asking them to wholeheartedly embrace. However, a further mindful step is required in order to maximize the writing the teacher brings to the classroom. There is more that can be done than simply reading our writer’s notebook entries… When it comes to sharing a piece of writing with young writers, the story surrounding it, the process undertaken, becomes a vital part of the share time. As teachers, we must be prepared to invest time shining a strong light on the processes that brought the words to the page. There is real value to be gained explaining the procedures followed, the craft moves employed, the discoveries the process revealed, as well as the lessons learnt along the way. Unpacking t...