Helping Young Writers Maintain the Effectiveness of their Notebooks


To maximize the relevance of the Writer's Notebook as a writing tool and a resource for gathering embryonic ideas requires the support of mindful teaching. Conferring with young writers about the kinds of entries they are collecting in this special space and how they view the purpose of such entries therefore assumes significant importance. Focused writing conversations need to take place concerning notebook entries and how best to harness their potential.

Such conversations with student writers and the effective use of their writer's notebooks can focus on a range of considerations. Here are some starting points:

  • How are you, as a writer, building upon your notebook entries and ideas?
  • Are you rereading older entries to discover new topics for writing?
  • How are you dealing with the challenge of the blank page and getting their words to spill onto the page?
  • Are you using close observations to inform your writing ideas?
  • How are you using your senses to inform your notebook entries?
  • What are you doing well at present? 
  • How do find new ideas? Where do you look?
  • Tell me something new you would like to try in your notebook
  • What could you add to your notebook following observation of other writer’s notebooks?
  • Are you using your reading to inform the writing you do?
  • Do you occasionally lift a line from a piece and place it at the top of a new page and continue writing?
  • Are you occasionally writing about ‘old topics in new ways? Holding onto the topic or focus and using a different genre.
  • How are you planning to lift an entry from the notebook and develop it further?
  • How are your mentor authors helping you to become a better writer?
  • Are you practicing craft moves you have seen other authors use?
  • Is there a notebook entry you wish to revisit and expand into a longer piece of writing?
  • Is there an entry in your notebook you wish to lift out and revise to get it ready for publishing?
  • How and where might you publish one of your notebook entries?
  • What questions do you ask yourself before, during and after you write?
  • Are you using lists to extend your thinking around topics and ideas?
  • Are you reading what you are trying to write?
  • Do you use photographs and drawings to help you find new writing ideas?
  • Are you writing in your notebook beyond our classroom?
  • Do you share your notebook entries with other writers?
  • What is the biggest benefit you see in having your own writer's notebook?


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