Help Student Writers Connect With Mentor Authors
Everytime we enter the classroom it is incumbent on each of us to bring all that we have garnered about reading and writing and mindfully apply this invaluable knowledge to our teaching of writing. We are never alone in our teaching if we apply this thinking. Ask yourself- what have I seen other writers doing that might assist the writer's I'm teaching? As teachers of writing we need to gather around us lots of authors we trust and respect. Authors who are available to assist in the important task of developing the confidence and competence of young writers. When we allow these trusted authors to become our co teachers, it affords students the opportunity to more readily acquire the craft of writing. We are mindfully exposing the inexperienced writer to rich literary models. How good is that? We must take every opportunity to encourage students to investigate specific aspects surrounding the work of these mentors. In our daily teaching it is important to encourage the imitation...