Slice of Life Story- Covid Chronicles

In these strange and unusual days, we  choose our personal responses, our coping mechanisms, our attitudes. For some, it is a chance to explore, revisit and discover. An opportunity to be creative. Boredom can do that. I recall as a child how a sense of boredom frequently lead to inventiveness. I am constantly amazed by the plethora of videos exploring humour and creativity. Some people (across all age groups) are using the time to explore new perspectives.

I have chosen to view this time as solitude rather than isolation. For me isolation has a negative connotation and I do not wish to succumb to such characterization of my time. I have accepted the need to live like this. In some ways I am fortunate that I can make such a choice. In reality, I have no choice for I am part of a group who live with a compromised health condition. This virus presents as a significant danger to me personally.Even if the restrictions are eased, for me it will be, a quiet winter. I am fortunate to be surrounded by warmth, words and wine. 

Do I get frustrated and a bit discombobulated? -of course I do. Exercise and self talk clears the mind and restores equilibrium and perspective. I'm most fortunate. I have choices. A lot of people don't have the luxury of choice and find themselves far more vulnerable to this virus.

Words of inspiration.

I'm in lockdown to keep myself safe, my family safe, to avoid adding to the enormous burden the health system is confronting. Staying home is keeping others in my community safe too. This is why I am willing to put my personal freedom on hold for a while. I'm am the least likely person to storm the legislature dressed in camouflage gear and armed with an assault rifle, demanding my right to be a bully and a public liability.

I understand that for others the loss of work and income is a most distressing matter, bringing with it significant uncertainty and hardship. I should not lose sight of their situation. Maintaining a vision extending our own circumstances remains a vital consideration in getting through this.  

I am also aware that for those living on their own, this time can present particular challenges. We must therefore maintain a vigilance; consciously reaching out to those who may be experiencing a sense of alienation. We must check on our family, friends and neighbours. Then there are those who find themselves encountering a loss of personal space, where shared living quarters make for a sense of being cramped in quarantine.

Jigsaw time- for some...
I am grateful for my writing life. Probably more so right now. It is delivering a great deal of solace. I read last week that quiet introverted people generally deal with social distancing and essential lockdowns better than extraverts. Because writing is a form of introverted behaviour, it helps me understand what is taking place in my life and my mind, at present. 
Ottolenghi version of minestrone.
To be shared with family and friends

My outpouring of words has increased notably, simply because I have more time to write. There are fewer distractions and fewer demands on my time. I've got nowhere I need to be -apart from home. I have more time to cook and have not felt a need to join the jigsaw folk. To feel more useful, I have been cooking extra portions to share with others. Random acts of kindness are good for the health of all those involved. 

Time has become less of a consideration. I have almost completed a verse novel that had previously spluttered along. I have written numerous poems under the title 'Covid Chronicles.' The pages of my current writer's notebook pages are filling at an unprecedented pace.I have created a number of You Tube videos I hope support the wonderful efforts of teachers. 

Writer's notebook time in the garden.
Here is a small sample of my poetry outpourings:

Corona Choices
I could spend these days
Of Covid inconvenience
Squeezing the life out of the remote control
or staying in bed like
Brian Wilson once chose to do
I could munch multiple
Packets of Barbecue Shapes
Or stare through the bottom of a glass
Of cheap white wine
I could sit on the couch
watching the distorted truth
of what passes as reality television
Or cry and moan 
To anyone within a bull's roar
Liberate me now!
They can't do this to me!
Well, hear is the news...
You're not missing out on life
Right now
This is life
For all of us
How you live it
Remains a matter of choice
Your mind can operate like a trap
Or a salvation
A launching pad
From the confines 
Of your lockdown location
Make your choice
Life is disrupted
Don't let it be corrupted

Alan j Wright

Locked In Place
Hunkered down
In my comfort station
In solitude
Not isolation
My front door is my limitation
Words in notebooks 
My salvation
There lies an element of danger
In contact with a friend
A stranger
But I shall look for cheer each day
When simple pleasures
Drift my way

Alan j Wright

Disjointed Dance Time

Right now
In these days of disturbance
I sometimes feel like
I am attempting to dance a fandango
On a pair of rollerskates
With a thorny rose
Shoved in my gob
For good measure
While tone deaf musicians
Play a song
With little syncopation.

Alan j Wright

Sweet ravioli to enjoy with a cappuccino. Expanding my knowledge of pastries. 


  1. I absolutely love this post. It was just so relaxing to read, I think, because you paced this so well. I love the introverted thinking about how you are a natural at dealing with solitude. My daughter, who has a serious case of OCD recently said to me, "Mom, I think being quarantined suits me." We both had a good laugh. Keep cranking out those words and photos and recipes. I wish I were your neighbor...that sweet ravioli and cafe latte sure look good!

    1. Thankyou Barbara for your kind remarks. Requests for more sweet ravioli have been coming in quite steadily I'm pleased to say. Will definitely make those again. I don't have a history of making pastries so this is something of a new area of culinary exploration for me.

  2. "I am grateful for my writing life."
    We are in sync again, my friend, in using writing to settle the head and the heart in these times.
    Stay well.

    1. Kevin, always great to hear from you, and always re-assuring to know we are in synch, particularly in these days of Covid contamination. Our writing lives are a sustaining thread running through us. A thread from which much comfort is derived. Be safe.

  3. So well said. I love this piece and the poems included. My writing has been up and down but as I settle in the pull to put words down on paper gets stronger each day. Thanks for sharing your positive thoughts. They are always a help as we work our way through these times.

    1. Thank you Joanne. I am pleased you enjoyed the poetry and pleased you have taken a positive view of my post. Take care.


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