In A Crisis, Writers Share

Here are some short Videos I have made in recent days to support the planning of teachers as school closures impact and educators search for new ways to support learning in home settings. Feel free to use them if they support your efforts to engage learners. Please let me know if there is anything you would like from me that could add to your efforts at this time. 

A Poetry reading of the poem, 'Mad Hairy Hands' from my latest book, 'What The Poemster Found.'

An idea for writing in different places around the house. Let's begin by looking for inspiration in the kitchen. Food and fabulous words to inspire our writing.

Using my Writer's Notebook to indulge in some important wordplay with proverbs. -Showing the inexperienced writers where inspiration might be found.


  1. Hi Alan! I love hearing others talk with young writers about writing. What a kind offering you have here. Hugs, Ruth

    1. Hi Ruth, Always great to hear from you. Thanks for your kind words they are always appreciated. I have no doubt you too are supporting educators and curious learners in these challenging times. Reaching out is an important human principle we must cling to. Stay safe, be well.


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