Finding Stillpoints in Writing

POST UPDATED June 2021 A few years back I learnt the term ‘stillpoints’ upon reading a book titled ‘ Write Starts – Prompts, Quotes and Exercise to Jumpstart Your Creativity’ by Hal Zina Bennett. It’s Bennett’s word for those moments in our lives when we are totally at one with the now ; we are so with whatever we are doing or feeling or thinking that everything else seems to stop. In writing, Bennett sees stillpoints as aha! moments created when our words strike a special chord, It occurs when we express something clearly, authentically and beautifully. It resonates as clearly as the ringing of a fine crystal bell. Sometimes teachers refer to this as writing about small moments in greater detail. The writer dwells on a moment to highlight it for the reader. The moment is expanded with deliberate intent. As we know, the writer doesn't lend equal time (or words) to every aspect of a story. The story would be quite boring to re...